Slash Fiction Explained
The writing is deeply rooted in post-structuralism and queer theory, restructuring and reimagining texts through a queer lens.

Queer Self-Discovery: A Story of Diary Entries
5/29/14: “I must be extremely sexually-deprived bc I got turned on @ the dentist today.”

A Biography Devours Itself
As I grew older and relearned how to eat, I fell in love with a number of men and women who were always so thin I felt they could replace me

Harold's Body
“Tell me again why we are up here,” Barbara said.
“To scatter Harold’s remains,” I replied.

The Plunge
Day after day, Émilien sat in this same worn chair that faced a window overlooking the streets of Paris. From a little after three in the mo

Subtle Prejudice
We cannot attack a problem rooted deep in the foundation of society without first acknowledging just how deeply the problem runs. It can be